Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 109 - 120 of 122 in total

2nd Grade Pop Art 8x10 Prints

Sea Crest Supporter

8th Grade Cookbook

Sea Crest Supporter

Foley Family Wine Basket

Wine Decadence

Wine basket donated. Connect with Diane Harris to organize a wine tasting party.

Wine basket donated. Connect with Diane Harris to organize a wine tasting party.

Wine basket donated. Connect with Diane Harris to organize a wine tasting party.

Head or Tails - Fernet Bike and ...

K&L Wine Merchants

Pineapple Bowling

Sea Crest Supporter

Raise the Paddle - $10,000


Raise the Paddle - $100


Raise the Paddle - $1000


Raise the Paddle - $250


Raise the Paddle - $2500



Treasure Island

King for a Day

Bet a Million